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Cookie statement

A cookie is a small text file stored on the hard disk of a Website user’s computer.
There are essential cookies, functional cookies and tracking cookies.

  • Essential Cookies (also known as strictly necessary cookies) are cookies required for the website to function and provide the basic information requested by the website user. These first-party cookies are exempt from collecting user consent and can be set regardless. The cookies used to store visitor cookie preferences are examples of essential cookies.
  • Functional cookies help the website to personalize your end-users browsing experience. These cookies support additional functionality that enhances your site. These cookies remember, for example, the user’s language preference or completed fields on a form. In this way, when next visiting the website, the user does not have to re-enter this information. Logically, functional cookies are first-party cookies.
  • Tracking cookies (non-functional cookies) are cookies that can be placed for statistical, social, targeting and commercial purposes. These cookies have nothing to do with the purely technical support of the website. They collect information about the user’s surfing behaviour. Non-functional cookies may be personal cookies or third-party cookies. 

Tracking cookies can be used for various purposes:

  • Cookies with statistical purposes allow, for example, to determine which pages of the website you visit, where your computer is located, etc.
  • Cookies with social purposes enable the user to share the content of the website visited directly with others via social media.
  • Cookies with targeting purposes allow a profile to be built based on your surfing behaviour so that the ads shown are tailored to your interests.
  • Cookies for commercial purposes keep track of how many and which advertisements were shown to a user.
  • There is another distinction to be made within tracking cookies. Within this type, a distinction should be made between direct or first-party tracking cookies, on the one hand, and indirect or third-party tracking cookies, on the other hand.
    • Direct (first party) tracking cookies are used, for example, for statistical purposes or to check whether the user can easily find his way around the website. These own cookies are cookies that the owner of the visited website places.
    • Indirect (third-party) tracking cookies are third-party cookies that are placed by an organisation other than the owner of the website you visit. This may include cookies that are created by a company specialised in the analysis of websites and that provides the owner of the website with information about the frequency of visitors to his site. These indirect (third-party) cookies are often used by advertisers to display advertisements that are adapted to the user’s specific surf profile.

Finally, the distinction between persistent cookies and session cookies is important for the cookies that are placed on visitors to this website:

  • Persistent cookies remain on the user’s device for the duration specified in the cookie and thus also after a user has closed his browser. They are activated each time the user visits the website that has placed this cookie (for example, cookies placed by social media such as Twitter, Facebook, Google Analytics, etc.). Most non-functional cookies are persistent cookies.
  • Session cookies simplify and link the actions of a user during a browser session. A browser session starts when a user opens the browser screen and ends when he closes the browser screen. Session cookies are temporarily placed. Once a user closes the browser, all session cookies are deleted. Most functional cookies are session cookies.


By clicking on ‘Accept all cookies’, you consent to the use and storage of cookies.
For an optimal browsing experience on our website, you should accept these cookies via your browser settings.
If you wish to opt out at any time, you can clear cookies via your browser settings or by clicking the “Privacy settings” link then the “More info” link on the pop-up banner on the website.


The user can refuse all cookies except essential one by choosing the option ‘No, only essential cookies’.

The user can also manage cookies by changing the browser settings.

These settings can usually be found in the ‘Options’ or ‘Preferences’ menu of your web browser. The browser’s Help function explains how to change the browser settings. 

The user may opt to accept all cookies, refuse indirect tracking cookies or refuse all cookies. The user may also set up the browser so that a message is received whenever a cookie is activated. 

In case of refusal of the installation of cookies, it is possible that certain services are not accessible. The user should bear in mind that by refusing technical cookies, some functions of the Website will no longer work. If you use your browser settings to block these cookies, you may not be able to access (certain parts of) the website:

Cookies on this website

Browsing this Website is liable to cause the installation of cookies on the user’s computer.
The Website uses essential and tracking cookies.
The purpose of these cookies is to optimise the use of the Website, remember the user’s technical preferences, maintain statistics, improve the services offered, identify possible errors on the Website and to measure how effective the content of our websites is.
The RMCA uses third-party software components on the website, which create cookies.

  1. Essential cookies
    1. COMPLIANZ cookies
      Cookies : cmplz
      This software is used to treat the cookie policy. When you first visit our site, this software creates anonymous cookies in your browser.
  2. Tracking cookies
    1. Social media cookies
      1. AddToAny (Share Buttons)
        Cookies : __cfduid uvc
        Share buttons are used to make the website known and to improve the interactivity of the website.
        When the user of the website clicks on a share button of a social network or other company (for example Facebook), he leaves the RMCA’s website. Charlotte Bricault has no agreements or contractual relationship with these companies. When the Charlotte Bricault’s website proposes that you share content from the website on social networks, such as Facebook, those social networks may place a cookie on your device that can be used to track your surfing behaviour. For more information, please refer to the privacy and cookie policies of the social network or company concerned.
        For more information, please refer to the privacy and cookie policy of AddToAny:
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